If you’re not into digging in the dirt, but want to learn how to enjoy gardening because you have one for practical reasons, keep reading.
Grey and I both like to garden as a hobby. It is really nice to share that mutual interest, and produce something for the household. There are times though that gardening can be quite a grind. We are busy with parenting our four young children, homeschooling, owning a business, not to mention all of the other tasks that come along with owning a homestead.
Even us, who enjoy gardening need to implement some of these tips to get into it during days when we just don’t feel like it. Without a doubt there are people, that are what I like to call, reluctant gardeners. They want the benefits of having a garden, but don’t actually enjoy gardening itself. I’ve got you!
It is a hobby that is not for everyone, but the practical rewards are hard to beat, so if you are gardening but it isn’t exactly a passion, you might find these tips to be helpful to you. If you are gardening anyways, you might as well enjoy it right?
Here are our top tips for how to enjoy gardening
Learning how to enjoy gardening, isn’t really a one-and-done kind of skill. It is a daily mindset that will continually need to be checked on. Like I said, as someone who enjoys it, there are days that I really am not in the mood to go pull weeds. These tips will help you adjust your mindset, since you’ll be out there anyways.
1. Tell yourself, “just 15 minutes”
The first thing to be done of course, is just to get started. I tell myself often, “just 15 minutes.” This helps me to not get overwhelmed before I get started. I will literally set a timer on my phone for 15 minutes and get to work! Sometimes, I stop after 15 minutes and other times I am motivated enough to keep going. It can be quite fun to see what can be accomplished in 15 minutes!
2. Listen to Podcasts, Audiobooks, or Music
The second most common tactic I’ll try is allow myself to listen to a podcast, audiobook, or music when I’m not feeling like gardening. You can have a specific podcast or type of music that you only listen do when you garden. This will make a positive association with the task of gardening and an enjoyable experience. Sometimes, I get so into the book that I am reading, I almost forget that I am weeding a bed!
3. Grow what you enjoy using
I think every gardener in the early days (me included!) takes a trip to the hardware store to buy seeds of every vegetable imaginable. Everything sounds like a good idea when you are standing at a rack with seed packets with pictures of beautiful abundant vegetables and fruits. The dream self takes over, and agrees that “I am the kind of gardener that grows turnips…and eats them!” Back at home when you spend time taking care of a vegetable that no one in your household will eat, it can lead to some serious regret or resentment of time spent in the garden. That leads me to a related but different point, and that is to plant things you enjoy.
4. Plant things you enjoy
If you are a reluctant gardener, the temptation is to only plant practical plants. This is all well and fine, since it might be one of your gardening goals. There can be a downside to only planting practical plants if you really don’t like to be out there. I cannot tell you how happy it makes me to see a sunflower watching over me as I tend the vegetables. Or a thick row of colorful zinnias to cheer me on as I tie up tomatoes. It does add an ambiance that can make the experience out the garden more…charming!
5. Buy some good garden gear
It’s also a good idea to consider, if the reason you aren’t enjoying gardening is because of your set up. Here are some ideas for upgrading your gardening experience. These might be changing or buying something to help gardening sessions be more enjoyable.
- Good comfortable shoes-this is a must! It is hard to get any work done in a flip flop or slipper.
- Evaluate your clothing-are your pants to tight or falling down? Do you prefer athletic wear to work in or a breezy dress? This is all personal preference, but worth looking into.
- A garden apron-to hold gloves and tools. This helps to prevent the endless setting down and of these items… which can lead to needless searching.
- Garden tools-I know if you aren’t into gardening, you probably aren’t into checking out awesome tools like our FAVORITE cobra head weeder. Having good gardening tools though, really makes the difference. We regularly clean, sharpen, and oil ours because it makes the process of cutting through the dirt or weeds so much easier.
- Sun Protection-I like to wear a sunhat while gardening in the summer. It comes in handy when the audio book gets good, and I’m out there for hours!
- Insulated water bottle or tumbler-It is kind of a pain to go inside every time you need a drink. I like to get my big tumbler filled with ice water (and sometimes lemon!) ready to go before even heading out to the garden. I’ve been using this big ‘ol tumbler for years and it still keeps my drink cold even when I set it in direct sun.
6. Take pictures or start a garden journal
Seeing the progress that you’ve made can make gardening much more enjoyable. It is easy to get used to the environment we are in…we may forget how far we’ve come. Gardening is hard work, and if you feel like you are working with no reward, check out your before photos. I love looking at how our garden went from parking area to lush productive greenery and flowers–so satisfying!
7. Make a sitting area in the garden
Lastly, adding a sitting area to the garden, can really draw you to the space even more. Putting lounge chairs, a farm house table, a bench, etc., can really make the garden a DESTINATION. Add a few bistro lights strung across that space, and you’ve got a darling set up to enjoy the fruits of your hard work! I love to use these solar powered fairy lights all over the gardens and orchard to add some magic at night!
How to enjoy gardening
- Tell yourself “just 15 minutes.”
- Listen to podcasts, audiobooks, or music
- Grow what you enjoy using
- Plant things you enjoy
- Buy some good garden gear
- Take pictures or a garden journal
- Make a garden sitting area
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